miércoles, 14 de noviembre de 2007

Hi again! Aprende con Beowulf a acabar con los monstruos, pero ten cuidado con tu orgullo honey!

What we can learn from the epic poem Beowulf

Beowulf, one of the longest poems ever written in the English language is a great epic that allows us as readers to learn many different aspects on life. Although we may not all gather the same information from the poem, it is apparent that everyone will at least learn one thing from Beowulf's epic. As the reader reads this poem, he/she may learn anything from how pride and coward ness can lead to a downfall, how outside forces can lead to the endangerment of a society, to how the courage of one can gain the respect and loyalty of others.
Throughout Beowulf, we constantly see pride from certain characters. In the beginning of Beowulf, Beowulf himself is bragging about himself to others in lines 415-426. Although he just wants to gain the people’s confidence and he does defeat Grendel and other monsters, at the end of this poem, Beowulf is killed. Perhaps because he had so much pride in himself, that he believed that he could defeat ...

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